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August 25, 2021

Paralympic Games - Tokyo 2021

Every four years, the hope is the world will put aside politics and differences, cultural  conflicts, and philosphical differences - and join as one global community to celebrate the best of humanit in sportmanship.

And while Tokyo Olympic flame was extinguished on August 8th, 2021, another flame burns anew and shines the glow of camraderie, competition, and community.  The Summer Paralmpic Games have begun!  MAny news reports refer to these games as showcasing the "best of humanity."

The Opening Ceremony was held on Tuesday, August 24th in Tokyo.  This year's theme is "United by Emotion."  The games continue throuhg September 5th, 2021.  

Below you will find links to various news sites about coverage of the games. We wil lupdate tehm throughout the games, please check back often. (All links below will open in new windows)


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